Supporting the local planning process
Our nature markets make it simple for local planning authorities to ensure developers fulfil their obligations to protect and enhance the natural environment. Our markets help you to meet planning requirements in a timely manner to deliver both new development and local nature recovery efficiently.
With a whole ecosystem of expertise behind our markets, our credits and our process are all held to an auditable standard, supported by scientific oversight. We offer biodiversity units and nutrient credits that are verified and fully traceable through our platform and the official registries.
Our local nature-based projects contribute to the local economy as well as to local nature recovery.
Working with local authorities and local conservation experts, we identify priorities for nature recovery in line with your local nature recovery strategy and seek out landholders interested in carrying out projects to deliver these priorities.
Even small areas of otherwise unproductive land can have a big impact, and our markets take care of matching buyers with Biodiversity Units and nutrient mitigation credits generated by nature-based projects.
Need help ensuring developers protect and enhance nature? Find a nature market in your area or get in touch with our team.