Landholders can earn income from nature-based projects

Our nature markets offer a good deal for landholders and a great outcome for the environment. They help you earn income for creating and maintaining nature-based projects on your land.

Why start a nature-based project on your land?

Projects that provide important environmental services such as nutrient reduction, biodiversity gain and natural flood management are in demand from businesses seeking to meet their legal obligations and voluntary commitments. Our market takes care of matching projects and businesses, and ensures you receive fair payment for maintenance over the lifetime of the project.

Nature-based projects can be designed to complement the way you use your land, and integrated alongside food production. We’ll support you with the project whether you are a landowner, tenant or land agent, bringing in experts in specialisms such as ecology to help with design and delivery.

As well as helping you diversify your income, nature-based projects can improve the soil on your land and support pollinators. They also provide a revenue-generating asset for you to pass on to the next generation.

Landscape image of grassland

How much income can projects generate?

It depends on the market and the project. We operate our markets transparently and publish reports after each market round with information about successful trades.

To see the bids and offers, and the payments made to successful buyers and suppliers, you can download our market settlement reports.

What types of projects are eligible?

In our markets, you can offer to create or enhance a wide range of nature-based projects. Our experts can help you identify projects that would fit alongside your existing land uses and provide valuable environmental services in your local market.

These can be on any scale, large or small, and could include:

  • wetlands
  • ponds
  • woodlands
  • woodland pasture and parkland
  • orchards
  • hedgerows
  • scrub
  • species-rich grassland
  • arable reversion
  • cover crops.
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Find a nature market near you

If you’d like to know more about delivering environmental projects on your land to generate income, you can search for a market near you or get in touch with our team.

EnTrade catchment area map

Supplying your project to a nature market

Our experts can advise and support you with designing and developing a project so that it reaches the certified standard and compliments the way you want to use your land.

This ensures it delivers the environmental services buyers are looking for. Then, supplying your project to the market is simple and straightforward:

  1. You set the amount you want to be paid for the project and register your proposed project for the market.
  2. If businesses bid enough to cover the cost of your project, then you receive part payment straight away so that you have the funds to get started.
  3. You receive a share of any surplus from the market as a bonus on top of your offer.
  4. If you’re successful, you enter an agreement that clearly sets out your payment schedule and your obligations.
  5. Your payment is guaranteed if you deliver the project to our specifications – you will still be paid for delivering the project, even if a buyer defaults on their payments.

We don’t take a percentage of the transactions in our markets. Instead, a fixed fee for our services is included in the amount buyers pay for credits, and these fees are published up-front before each market round. Neither landholders nor buyers pay to participate.


A fair, transparent and efficient market

Our markets that are fair to everyone involved. Our market matching and surplus allocation mechanism, which is based on work led and published by independent experts at the University of Exeter, encourages businesses to submit their best bid for credits and, if your offer is successful, any surplus is shared with you.

Up-front legal agreements, drawn up by leading law firm Osborne Clarke, reduce your legal costs and protect landholders, including ensuring you will still be paid even if a buyer defaults.

Farmland with a grey sky in the background

Richard’s farm transformation

Richard Allan participated in our Bristol Avon Catchment Market. He shares his experience of transforming two acres of hard-to-farm land into a mixture of scrub, grassland and wetland.

“Part of the mix of any good farming business is to have a diversity of income. With nature-based projects, you’re not giving anything up but you can create an awful lot more than you have already.”